Engaging Your Church For Your Good

As a child of God, you play important roles in His family. It is good for you.

People engaged in the life of a church family are 300% more likely to be satisfied in their work and personal life.

Research by the Gallup organization indicates the people engaged in the life of a church family are 300% more likely to be satisfied in their work and personal life. Why is that? God created us with a need for a healthy and supportive relationship with Himself and others.  That is the reason why He calls us His children and calls the church His family.

My Church Survey is a free and confidential self-assessment tool. In response to your input, the system will e-mail you a personalized report comparing your input to benchmark data collected from people who have a strong relationship with God and/or their church family.


“Within the world of executive coaching, there are those who are astute, those who have the experience, those who have ample expertise, but then there are those who have the gift of wisdom. Baha Habashy leverages this gift exquisitely in order to offer you keen insight and ask you questions that help you discover your need and potential”.

“As a pastor who cares for the wellbeing of people, I see how easy it is to get “stuck” in work or ministry roles that are draining. If this is how you feel, this seminar will assist you in getting “unstuck”.  As a narrative counsellor, I appreciate the honest and vulnerable sharing of true-life experiences, which gives me new insights about myself.  As a preacher and presenter, I valued the time, effort and knowledge included in this workshop.”  

“The workshop conducted for our staff was probably the most helpful workshop we have held in recent years. Its practical tips are superb, its philosophy of seeing Roles rather than Tasks is liberating, and the wit, wisdom and spiritual insights of Baha and Margaret Habashy was a joy to listen to.”

“Your practical recommendations regarding time and work management were very valuable to each of us. However, what has been most valuable was the new understanding of our roles and resultant expectations. It has been comforting and freeing for us as individual team members to realize that our roles are best defined by what we are expected to be rather than what we are expected to do”.

“Your coaching empowered me to find clarity and focus on my roles and responsibilities; as a result, I can prioritize my time in aligning my life calling with corporate vision and mission. I am applying some of your coaching approach and tools with my own pastoral team and hope they will use it with their ministry leaders. I would recommend every pastor to learn from your approach so as to recalibrate his/her ministry and to rediscover a renewed sense of missional purpose which God has uniquely imprinted upon each individual.”

“Your impact on our church has been amazing. For the past 7 years, you have been a source of great blessing to our small church. You have trained us and coached us to be more effective in our personal life and ministry. Our church family considers you as our pastor to the pastors. We thank God for you.”

Overcoming Overload by Growing an Engaged Church

You have the privilege of partnering with Jesus in building His church. While this is exciting, there is also a disappointing side. Pastor Lance Witt, in his book, Replenish,  says that a vast majority of pastors are overloaded, burned out, and discouraged.

We invite you to join us in a FREE webinar,  Overcoming Overload by Growing an Engaged Church.  We will share thoughts, tips, and tools based on the book, Growing an Engaged Church: Stop Doing Church and Start Being the Church Again, by pastor and church consultant, Dr. Al Winseman. 

What Do You Get?

We do not give you answers, but we give you the tools to help you find the best answers for your unique church challenges and ministry opportunities.


As part of the Strengths Ministry, there is no charge for this service. Participants are encouraged to make a free-will donation to their church or designated ministry.

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