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By the grace of God, we seek to model a partnership in life, work, and ministry.
In life, for almost 50 years of marriage, God has taught us much through the good and tough times. Now we enjoy our two children and their spouses along with our three special grandchildren.
At work, we bring more than 40 years of combined corporate experience. We have been privileged to play diverse roles and gain experience in different industries including library science, healthcare, information technology, organizational change management, and executive coaching.
For the past 20 years, we have been the founding partners of Integrity+ Consulting. We have offered seminars, workshops, and coaching to help leaders and knowledge workers improve effectiveness by overcoming the risks of overloaded lives.
In ministry, we have served in different denominational settings and played active leadership roles with 4 different parachurch organizations. Several years ago, we transformed the tools and books of Integrity+ Consulting into a free ministry. We offer leadership and personal development training and coaching in partnership with leaders engaged in the Kingdom of God.